"Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia
Yang Hidup kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya);
tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang di langit dan di bumi.
Tiada yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya?
Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang di hadapan mereka dan di belakang mereka,
dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya.
Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya,
dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar."

~ Ayatul Kursi ~

  • Kursus Pukulan & Senjata Wanita (coming soon)

  • My First Giveaway Survey

  • Sumbangan untuk Gelandangan


  • GFA Conference : Solid Waste Management

  • Kursus Seni Bela Diri Wanita PSSGMUMP (story will be updated soon)

  • Nov 28, 2015

    TalentCorp : Employability Bootcamp


    IT'S FREE !!
    Register now for the employability bootcamp
    with TalentCorp!

    Monday, November 30, 2015 at 8:30 AM - Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 5:30 PM (MYT)

    Kompleks Darul Puteri - Jalan Cheras Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 56100 MY - View Map

    Accommodation and food/beverages will be provided.
    Dress code: Formal (day-time and interview session) and smart casual (evening).

    Registration link: http://bit.ly/BOOTCAMP2015KL-2

    This bootcamp is open to all Malaysian degree holders to give them a chance to take control of their future, and put themselves in the best position possible to stand out to employers.

    Eligibility Requirements

    • Degree from local public/private universities
    • Below 27 years old
    • Fresh graduates (unemployed <12 months at point of enrollment into the boot camp) 
    • Non-JPA scholar
    • Have not participated in any government-funded programmes (e.g. SL1M, SL1M-GREEN, Bank Negara Graduates Programme, etc.)

    The residential bootcamp which run over 3 DAYS, provide an intensive, fun and invaluable series of workshops covering
    ✔ CV Tailoring,
    ✔ Grooming Etiquette
    ✔ Interview Skills
    ✔ The Impact and Effect of Social Media Discussion - with inspirational speakers,
    ✔ Q&A's with industry practitioners.

    At the end of the bootcamp, participants will be INTERVIEWED by prospective employers. Successful applicants will undergo placement at employers whilst attending training, supported by TalentCorp.

    Please bring your
    ✔ laptop,
    ✔ resume,
    ✔ transcripts and
    ✔ supporting documents.

    Sign Up Now!
    Note: For enquiries, please email bootcamp@talentcorp.com.my.

    BIOCON WALK-IN Interview - 1 Day Left !


    BIOCON (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. is conducting another WALKIN EVENT in HOTEL PUTERI PACIFIC, JOHOR BAHRU on the 28th(Saturday) & 29th(Sunday) of NOV 2015 from 9:30 AM to 6 PM.
    You may want to let your friends and relatives know about this opportunity to be a part of BIOCON MALAYSIA attending the Walkin event this weekend at the mentioned venue.

    They need to have the mentioned qualifications .

    Masters/Bachelors in :

    • Biotechnology /
    • Lifesciences /
    • Biological Sciences /
    • Biochemistry /
    • Chemical(Bioprocess) Engineering

    AND Diploma/Degree in :

    • Engineering- Instrumentation & Automation /
    • Electrical & Mechnical

    WITH minimum 2-3 years of experience in relevant field/industry.

    Position details and job descriptions will be updated in Jobstreet as well as NST News Paper.

    You can tag your friends on BIOCONNECT Facebook page too.
    Please infom them to bring in the below documents (MANDATORY) while coming for the WALKIN INTERVIEW

    · Copy of Updated CV
    · Copy of Educational Documents
    · Copy of Last 3 months Payslips
    · Copy of IC

    (NOTE: Failing to bring the above mentioned documents will delay the process of interview and offer roll out)

    For more information , browse following links :
    OFFICIAL BIOCON WEBSITE : http://www.biocon.com/
    OFFICIAL BIOCON ACADEMY WEBSITE : http://www.bioconacademy.com/

    GET CONNECTED @ LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/biocon
    GET CONNECTED @ LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/bioconacademy

    OFFICIAL BIOCON Facebook PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/bioconlimited/?fref=ts
    OFFICIAL BIOCON (MALAYSIA) Facebook PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/BioconMalaysia/

    BIOCON WALK-THROUGH VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUUD-qxN9P4
    BIOCON @ BIO-XCell : http://www.bio-xcell.my/testimonial/biocon

    BIOCON JOBSEARCH : http://www.jobstreet.com.my/en/job-search/company/biocon-sdn-bhd-jobs/
    BIOCON AVERAGE SALARIES (research): http://www.payscale.com/research/MY/Employer=Biocon/Salary

    Nov 22, 2015

    NAGA : Nafi Aku Ghaib Aku


    rezeki, maut, jodoh pertemuan,
    langkah untung atau rugi,
    semua adalah hak Allah swt.


     kita hanya adalah sekeping wayang yg kering,
    tak bernyawa,
    tak berkemahuan,
    tak berkemampuan.

    hanya Tok Dalang yg bersuara.
    hanya Tok Dalang yg bergerak.
    hanya Tok Dalang yang bercerita.

    kembalikan segala-galanya pada Allah swt.
    nafikan segala-galanya
    af'al perbuatan
    pada Allah swt.


    - Cikgu Shaiful Hakim -
    191115 | 20:08    

    Nov 18, 2015

    Pendrive Shortcut Problem?



    Pernah tak korang berdepan dengan situasi virus masuk laptop atau apa-apa drive mcm hardisk dan pendrive?
    Saya? Tak kerap tapi sering terjadi jugala. Selalunya bila saya berdepan dengan situasi ni, adalah apabila pendrive saya mengandungi folder menjadi shortcut. Dan selalunya saya akan selesaikan menggunakan CMD - sejenis software command dalam laptop atau PC (maaflah tak pasti sangat sebab dah lama x belajar sains komputer, huhu).

    Saya selalu menggunakan command seperti berikut :

    Klik "Start" > kotak carian (Search Box) > taip "CMD" > Enter

    Masukkan Pendrive Letter (misalnya F: atau G:) > Enter

    masukkan command >
    attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*

    > Enter

    Check pendrive anda jika berjaya.

    Well, selalunya saya berjaya dgn cara ini. Tetapi baru-baru ini pendrive saya mengandungi shortcut pendrive itu sendiri di dalamnya. Dan gagal menggunakan cara di atas.

    Properties of 'SYAHIBA UMP (8GB)' shortcut inside the pendrive.

    Setelah bertanya dengan orang tu orang ni, barulah berjaya selesaikan masalah ini dengan cara baru !
    Rakan sebilik saya suggest kan pada saya untuk menggunakan software USB Fix (klik link utk maklumat lanjut).

    Functions :
    • Research : Look for infections on the computer and on the connected media USB.
    • Clean : Delete the infections on the computer and the connected media USB.
    • Support : Obtain a free assistance on the forum of USBFix partners.

    Setelah menggunakan Clean saya cuba memeriksa pendrive saya dan ALHAMDULILLAH akhirnya masalah pun selesai :'D :'D :'D *menangis terharu penuh kegembiraan*

    Selain cara di atas, boleh refer di websites ini :
    1. http://ccm.net/faq/8734-files-on-flash-drive-changed-to-shortcuts
    2. http://ccm.net/forum/affich-693153-my-removable-device-shortcut-virus
    3. Google Search.

    Okay selamat mencuba tips di atas jika anda mengalami masalah yg sama. Jangan lupa share dengan kawan-kawan anda di FB, Twitter, Blog dan Tumblr !

    Nov 7, 2015

    Kun Anta , Nota Buat Sahabat


    Merupakan sebuah buku adunan kata-kata motvasi dan inspirasi yang bakal memberikan suntikan semangat baru kepada kita semua. Pelbagai pengajaran daripada kisah-kisah para ulama' dan orang-orang soleh turut diselitkan dalam buku ini. Sebahagian daripada kisah-kisah ini juga berdasarkan pengalaman yang dialami oleh para penulis sendiri dan dikumpulkan untuk manfaat kita semua.

    Jadilah dirimu yang penuh kelemahan dan kekurangan, namun kuat dan hebat dengan kebergantungan pada Allah Maha Kuasa. Bila kita menjadi diri kita yang sebenar, maka jalan di hadapan terbentang luas. Kerana kita mengenali siapa diri kita.
    Kun Anta, tidak perlu menjadi diri orang lain.

    "Mengapa kita malu untuk menunjukkan warna sebenar diri kita dan seringkali kita berpura-pura? "Kun Anta". Kata orang putih "Be Yourself". Satu petikan suis yang mampu mengubah hati agar lebih menghargai diri sendiri dan mensyukuri nikmat Allah. Kalau dop beli mung memang dok rok chetong."
    - Ustaz Azhar Idrus -

    "Kun Anta bukan sekadar siulan anak muda tetapi maknanya amat mendalam jika dihayati dengan betul. Ia bukan sekadar fenomena, tetapi membangkitkan diri yang lena agar mengetahui siapa diri kita di bumi yang fana. Menjadi satu kerugian andai tidak memiliki buku ini di sisi."
    - Prof. Dr. Muhaya -

    "Andaiku bisa bersahabat dengan angin, akanku sampaikan salam rindu buatmu"

    NOTA BUAT SAHABAT merupakan bingkisan dan wasiat seorang sahabat kepada sahabatnya. Kisah 5 orang sahabat diantara Adam dan Ilman juga Nusrah, Naqiyyah dan Syahirah.

    Sebuah kisah persahabatan yang sarat dengan suntikan semangat dan motivasi. Sesuai untuk seorang yang bernama 'SAHABAT'.

    Kalau burung mampu terbangkan debunga kepada tanah,
    tanda kasihnya kepada tanah agar tanah tidak terbiar tanpa bunga.
    Kenapa dua sahabat tidak boleh seperti itu?
    Bahkan boleh lebih baik daripada itu lagi kerana 
    kita adalah makhluk yang diberikan akal olehNya untuk berfikir.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    Jika berminat untuk pembelian buku ini, boleh hubungi cik Fiqa : 017-9057371(SMS/Whatsapp)

    Nov 2, 2015

    'Cry Week' - i'm gonna be stronger.


    Yes, i cried a lot last week. Because a lot of people. For a lot of reasons. For a few days.
    It has been such a long time since i cried all out of my heart , in front of the others.
    It such a shame for me to cry in front of 'em, but it so hard to resist the tears.

    Since then, i have been more awaken to know,
    Who are friends, and who are foes.

    It is easier to find a lot of 'teman ketawa' instead of 'teman menangis'.

    it is easier to find 'kawan-gelak-bila-kita-jatuh' instead of 'teman-hulur-tangan-bila-kita-jatuh'.

    It is easier to find friends whom is 'mulut-manis-tapi-kuat-kutuk-belakang' instead of friends whom is 'mulut-marah-tapi-hati-sayang'.

    Real friends are not defined as what those famous quotes really define.
    Real friends are defined by the heart of the beholder.
    And as for me, real friends are really-really difficult to be found. But once you do, please do appreciate them.

    This isn't about satisfying my need and want of what type of friends that suit my character and personality. I do judge. You do judge. We do judge. Everyone do judge for whatever happening around me, you, us, them.

    And i've tried my best not to judge emotionally and irrational like i used before. I tried my best to show someone that i do understand their feeling though i never been in his/her shoes.

    I just want someone(s), i don't care whoever they are - my parents, family, fiance, best friends, classmates, roommates or even random people (stranger?) to ask me and understand my situation. I hate it when people just judge me and directly assume without asking me of my condition, my situation, my reason of action(s) i've done. YES, you are allowed to judge, to give opinions and advises but please, do ask before you finalizing your statement of me.

    To conclude, i just wanted my readers to, please understand people around you.

    Well fella, this is life. To get what you want, you must LOVE what you don't. This experience as one of many other experiences to be experienced just gonna make you stronger and even better person !

    "Frst to understand, then to be understood. 
    What you say could make or break the case, just with a couple of words."
    - Sean Covey, "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    This post is accredited to :

    MY PARENTS, AHMAD SOWHINI & RUBIAH - for keeping me safe & sound & warm though i might be the evil-est child both of you ever have. Thank you for the advises, the argues, the punishments, the compliments, the nagging and many more. There are too much to list out. Thank you's are not enough to describe my gratefulness. May Allah grant Jannah to you.

    MY FIANCE, HAPISMUDDIN - for being the friendliest and loveliest 'stranger' i ever known and fall in love to. For taking good care of me though my father never ask you to do so (haha). Thank you for being my lover and best friend of the time when i laugh and i cry. Thank you for being there when i feel like i need someone the most.


    from left : Kak Tim, Kak Iklima, Kak Ainil & me

    KAK TIM - for being straightforward with me (and everyone too actually). I am sorry for not being good partner of yours & thank you for treating me so nice. It was my pleasure to meet someone awesome like you. Thank you too, for sometimes entertaining your friends (hehe)

    KAK IKLIMA - for being a friend that 'tegur depan-depan dengan muka marah & suara tinggi, sebenarnya sebab dalam hati sayang sangat.' Thank you for the advises, the angers, the laughs, the tears, the happy moments, the sad moments that you willingly to share with me. Thank you, for a lot of things.

    Kak AINIL - for being a good listener but never let me stray with my emotions by not agreeing with what-so-ever i complaint to you. For speaking the truth and honestly. Thank you for making me believe, that, there is at least someone on this Earth that i can really trust.


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