"Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia
Yang Hidup kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya);
tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang di langit dan di bumi.
Tiada yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya?
Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang di hadapan mereka dan di belakang mereka,
dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya.
Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya,
dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar."~ Ayatul Kursi ~
Mar 28, 2015
"Dear Diary,
This week is such a hectic although next week is such more. Unexpected programs that are out of my planner. Like, this weekend i am going to the pre-wedding course and suddenly i've been informed that my faculty is going to do a Bio 201 talk with the second year students of industrial biotechnology.
Well i have decided to go to the course anyway plus my RM 80 is not easily can be replaced. Then hellya my friend informed me that my name could be blacklisted if i do not coming to the next same program. So, i shall send a reason-letter to the director of the talk for not attending the first program.
You know what director? You and your staffs should have organised and planned out the program properly, don't you? You are professional enough that i am not qualified to teach you how to make an event, am i right?
Tolong la jangan buat program yang kau nak umum tak sampai seminggu sebelum program tu start - big and last warning to those yang rasa nak buat event melibatkan students. Semua orang ada plan yang dah 2-3 minggu dan sebulan rancang dan simpan dalam planner.
I think this week almost make me feel like i am almost reaching my limit.
Rasa macam tak menyempat je nak study untuk 2 test minggu depan - Bioanalytical Chemistry & Cell Molecular Biology.
I am not an ordinary student with good memory and IQ like them. I have to read a 2-3 times more than them to be as smart as them ! Otherwise, i will always be left behind.