"Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia
Yang Hidup kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya);
tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang di langit dan di bumi.
Tiada yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya?
Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang di hadapan mereka dan di belakang mereka,
dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya.
Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya,
dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar."

~ Ayatul Kursi ~

  • Kursus Pukulan & Senjata Wanita (coming soon)

  • My First Giveaway Survey

  • Sumbangan untuk Gelandangan


  • GFA Conference : Solid Waste Management

  • Kursus Seni Bela Diri Wanita PSSGMUMP (story will be updated soon)

  • Feb 4, 2016

    Earning Money by Blogging


    Assalamualaikum / Hi,

    Previously I complained about Revenuehits & Komli << click here to read.

    Today I would like to share few basic knowledge of how to earn money via blogging. Most bloggers might have known about this, but some might not yet.

    Famous ways of earning money by blogging or monetize are :

    1) Set up an online business.
    Yes, you must have products to sell. You can either use your own money for beginning and have your own stocks.

    Or, you can be a dropship agent which you don't have to use any of your money but you still can get income depends on your hard work.

    I do have experience on selling products which I and my fiance used our money to have our own stocks and we are also selling products as a dropship agent too since 2014.

    ** Feel free to visit our Business Blog >> Eena & Is Closet
    ** Follow us on Instagram >> @eena.is.closet
    ** Like our FB Page >> Eena & Is Closet

    2)Those who are good at blog editing can provide such kind of service
    to other people who would like to have a blog but do not know how to customize it. This is really an interesting way to earn money via a blog.

    3) Be an affiliate.
    Usually, this is much safer although the earning quite slow. But it's worth it because this kind of monetize way is much trusted such as BookCafe.com.my and you no need to invest any of your money on them! YES, IT'S FREE!

    4) Another way is Advertising Products or Events.
    However, to get sponsored or paid to review products and events, usually a blogger need to have a hundreds or thousands of blog followers. Famous bloggers are easily get sponsored. The price of advertising could be in the range of RM50-RM1000 per review based on your popularity, the number of followers and traffic.

    5) Create Valuable Article.
    Will help to increase your blog traffic when viewers searched for their keywords and found your blog! Higher blog traffic can lead to demanding of companies to advertise with you. They might want you to review their products properly but by that time, you GET PAID!

    I hope this blog entry was very helpful as basic knowledge to newbies who are intended to monetize your blog.

    You are welcomed to give your own opinion and suggestion.

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